Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Home Organising: How to Organise Earrings

I'm currently on a decluttering and home reorganising project. I've delayed this for a long while. Besides the lack of time, the thought about all the stuff that needs to be cleared was just a little overwhelming.

Then recently, I picked up from the library a book titled 'Shed Your Stuff, Change Your Life: A Four-Step Guide to Getting Unstuck'. It's written by the renowned organising and time management expert Julie Morgenstern. After reading just a few chapters, I was totally inspired and found the much needed motivation to embark on the decluttering project. To date, I've sold some home appliances I wasn't using anymore and feel so good about the extra space in the store room. Even the air in there feels different now. At the same time, I'm beginning to reorganise things at home, having done a bit of work in Kenan's cupboard. I've also just moved on to some of my own stuff and one thing I did was with earrings:

I use to put my earrings into mini ziploc bags like these and then store them in a box. The main drawback was that I can't see everything at one glance.

Then I found this ice cube box and got an idea.

I took out all the earrings from the mini ziplocs and place them into the individual compartments. I even put some of my fashion rings here. 

The hook earrings can also be hung from the side

The ice cube box comes with a cover, so there's no worry that the earrings will get dusty. I bought the box from Daiso. Compared to some jewellery boxes sold at home organising/DIY stores, the $2 ice cube box is a great bargain.

Hope you find this useful! If you have other ideas on storing accessories, do share with me!


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